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faith seeking understanding


Located in Greenville, South Carolina, the St. Anselm's Community is a parochial community of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter.  The Ordinariate was created to serve as a bridge for those of the Anglican tradition (and other Protestant traditions) who have been called to the fullness of faith in the Catholic Church.  Beginning on Sunday, November 27th  St. Anselm's will offer Sunday liturgies at St. Joseph's Catholic School in Greenville. 

Our community is named for St. Anselm, the Archbishop of Canterbury from 1093 to 1109.  Anselm was Doctor of the Church and is considered to be the founder of scholasticism, a method of learning that emphasizes reason, harmony and the reconciliation of Christian theology with philosophy.

Faith seeking understanding is Anselm’s famous formulation; he meant it to mean “an active love of God seeking a deeper knowledge of God.”

In 2006, the tomb of St. Anselm became the site of a remarkable ecumenical endeavor where the Catholic Bishop of Aostia, Anselm’s birthplace, gave a new altar to mark his tomb in Canterbury Cathedral, the mother church of the Anglican Communion.  It is this spirit of gift and reception that we seek to imitate in the Community of St. Anselm as our community of people whose faith was developed in the Episcopal and Anglican traditions come into the fullness of the Catholic Church.

It is this spirit of gift, of mutual enrichment, of joy in faith seeking understanding that we seek to share with others in our community.  Join us to find out how we share in the beauty and wonder of holiness.


Sundays, 11 AM

(beginning Nov. 27)

st. joseph's catholic school

Music from April 26 Evensong

with gratitude to Arlen Clarke, Robert Lee & the Schola Cantorum of St. Mary's Church

Chapel of St. Joseph's Catholic School


St. Anselm's Roman Catholic Community



Greenville, SC 29607